Photos [part I]
Photos [part II]
A member of AJClass16/06 in an AJC classroom, discussing our SL project
Tomorrow would be the official start to AJC26/06 and 16/06’s Service Learning Project. We will be visiting AWWA to meet the SPARKZ group in person! I can’t say how excited we are. This afternoon some of us took some time out of our schedules to rehearse our combined ‘concert’ segment: 'Canon in D' sounded really nice, especially due to the fusion of western and eastern instruments.
This will be the start to the preparations for a concert in order to raise awareness about the youth with disabilities in Singapore and around the region. The concert itself would be on the 20th of March. From what we know, SPARKZ and YBL, the two groups performing, are very talented musicians with disabilites. Promises to be an enjoyable event.
So this is the beginning of our SL journey, and the beginning of this blog.
5:21 pm
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