Photos [part I]
Photos [part II]
The CD in its casing.
"Candle of the Soul--Aiding the Disabled Youths" is the title of the music CD produced by AWWA. It is a compilation of 8 heartwarming and inspiring songs- a mixture of both English and Mandarin-sang by the talented youths in AWWA. Our class, together with 26/06 and 11/06 are engaged to help sell the CDs to raise funds for AWWA. Some people will probably be unwilling to fork out $19.95 to purchase the CD considering that they can buy other music CDs by their favourite singers at around the same cost. But the difference between the two is that the sale of the former will help in some ways to fulfilling the aspirations of the disabled youths-- not the latter.
CDs aside, we discussed the next step we should take for our SL project. The issue of money cropped up several times in the course. Money is required for the exhibition featuring the roles of YBL and AWWA, AJC's CIP history and its ties with AWWA. Money is also needed for catering food for the SPARKZ and YBL members during their rehearsals at AJC during the March holidays. Same goes for the gifts that we intend to give them and other unplanned expenses along the way. In the end, we decided that we would need a budget for the various areas of expenditure and find ways of raising the amount estimated.
In Service Learning, the process is just as important as the product, if not more so. In the midst of it all, there are lessons to be learnt and experiences to be shared as a class, and as a school.
8:29 pm
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